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  • don bosch 5:14 am on 04/14/2016 Permalink
    Tags: , patriarchy, women   

    What women really want = #Patriarchy

  • don bosch 9:50 am on 01/26/2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , women   

    How Men And Women Became Enemies. Well, they had help.

    And fortunately, there’s a solution.

  • don bosch 2:01 pm on 01/21/2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , women, women's rights   

    Do tell: A leading British feminist has said that feminism has been hijacked by elites who use it to further their own careers rather than to stand up for other women

    I see a trend.

  • don bosch 10:41 am on 09/24/2014 Permalink
    Tags: , , women   

    How the Myth That Men Fear Intimacy Contributes to the Disposability of Men and Boys

    “Fear of intimacy…isn’t that what you call being a man?” Yesterday, I was talking about the GMP article, “Sex, Marriage, and a Fear of Intimacy”, and that was the response I got. Sitting in a Panera with a group of women, I was watching them all nod in agreement like some bad episode of a reality show. No, I’m not going to write an open to letter to the women in Panera but I would like to explore the myth that only men fear intimacy. This myth continues to be disabling for men in their attempts to be better understood, accepted, and seen.

    Ladies, men aren’t afraid of intimacy. Let your guy know you honor him and respect his opinion, and he will open right up. What he’s concerned about is being lured into a vulnerable position and getting kneed in the groin, verbally or otherwise. He considers that risk pretty carefully, using his own experience and that of other men in his life as points of reference.

    Another myth – men can’t communicate – continues despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary in business, social, and political settings. 

  • don bosch 8:05 am on 09/24/2014 Permalink
    Tags: chivalry, courtesies, , , women   

    It’s 2014 – Why are men still paying for first dates?

    NPR reporter Shereen Marisol Meraji recently dropped in on a professional-etiquette class for teens to see what they made of traditional chivalry. “I can open my own door. I don’t see the point,” 18-year-old Chiamaka Njoku told her. “Most of these doors are automatic anyway.”

    But the young woman took a less progressive stance on the topic of money: “If a man wants to pay for the whole meal, I would not stop him,” she said. Why, as other sexist institutions gradually dissolve, does this one stubbornly hang on?

    A sexist double-standard, to be sure. Still, I’m always honored to hold doors for the Missus while taking her out to dinner, my treat. And she seems to like it.

  • don bosch 8:47 am on 09/15/2014 Permalink
    Tags: birth control, , the pill, women   

    I don’t remember anyone asking whether The Pill was good for men, but “Is the Male Pill Good For Women?”

  • don bosch 9:27 am on 09/08/2014 Permalink
    Tags: , , , women   

    How To Trust a Man – When You’ve Been Conditioned Not To.

    I believed, with the entirety of my being, that all men were liars and cheaters. I knew, with impeccable accuracy, that testosterone units were unable to openly communicate, that they lacked the ability or desire to be intimate and were cowards in their own lives and I double-dared life to prove me wrong. During that time in my life I was spinning wildly as I fought an inner battle of, “he loves me, he loves me not”. I craved a conscious union yet wore a cage of male bashing and love defying beliefs around my heart. In my own special sprinkled-with-sugary-goodness and lots-of-valid-experiences-to-justify-it kind of way, I became the estrogen-based version of what I’d felt so exploited by – funny how that goes, isn’t it?

    She didn’t learn this in a vacuum.

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